Alcohol Awareness…Changing Attitudes

Alcohol Awareness Month is a public health program organized by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence as a way of increasing outreach and education regarding the dangers of alcoholism and issues related to alcohol.

Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disease that can be fatal if not treated. The goal of Alcohol Awareness Month is to point out the stigma that still surrounds alcoholism and substance abuse, denial. Denial is a major in alcohol abuse, both for the individual experiencing it and the family and friends who are not comfortable with having that conversation related to the cause and effect of the situation.  Statistics show, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States. 17.6 million people suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence along with several million more who engage in risky, binge drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. More than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking, and more than 7 million children live in a household where at least one parent is dependent on or has abused alcohol.

As a result, April is used as an awareness platform for organizations, community centers, and treatment facilities to increase their efforts to raise awareness, encourage people to reach for help and to reach those who are not fully aware of the dangers of unhealthy alcohol consumption.

The more knowledge people have about the dangers of using alcohol and becoming dependent on it, the more they are likely to ask for help if they need to.

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