Getting into A Growth Mindset

2019 has gotten a very strong start at Summerdale/Springview! We are excited to share that we are implementing new goals and focused on having a growth mindset. All of our enrichment activities have been geared towards dreaming new, big, bold dreams and developing a plan to transform these dreams into our reality! In January, we started with learning more about Dr. King’s dream so that we could be inspired to think about our own big dreams! From being police officers and firefighters to teachers and entrepreneurs, we know that are big dreams are all the more possible because of the work of Dr. King and other Freedom Fighters like him!

From there, we talked about what we wanted the rest of 2019 to look like by thinking of the following:

  • 2 – two things we will get better at
  • 0 – Something that we want to do less of
  • 1 – One new thing we will try
  • 9 – Nine things that we want to learn

From there, we continued to enhance our growth mindset by focusing on what we are grateful for instead of what we wish that we had. We focused on having gratitude for who we are, what we can do, and what we already have. We know that when we focus on what we are grateful for, not only do we find more reasons to be grateful, but we also find the strength to keep moving forward when the challenges become larger than we would like. It has helped us to press forward towards our long-term goals with renewed commitment and excitement!

Finally, we focused on positive quotes that help keep us motivated! Our first one was “I can and I will.” It reminds us that we have everything that we need to be successful and as a result that we will be successful! It was fun to see all of the different colors and patterns that our friends came up with to decorate their mantra and we are excited to see what the next one will be!

We are looking forward to continuing to develop our growth mindset throughout the entire year! We know that it will help to be the best version of ourselves and to make sure that we are accomplishing our goals along the way!

Written by: Kristin Hemingway

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