Did you say trick – or treat!


Halloween is one of the biggest holidays celebrated by both kids and adults. After all, who doesn’t enjoy dressing up to in something fun, spooky or as someone they admire, and getting complimented for how cool they look? However, we must sure we ensure not only a fun holiday, but a safe one as well. On behalf of Star-C Programs, we would like to share some small safety pointers, to help with making sure you and your little goblins enjoy your trick – or – treat tonight!


  1. Create a plan for trick-or-treating– before heading out, create a trick-or-treat route that you should use, especially if you have smaller children. If you have kids that are 12 and over who don’t require a chaperone, ensure they have a plan/route as well. Where they plan to be in large groups, stick to familiar areas, well-lit areas, and set curfew as well as behavior standards.
  2. Brush up on street safety– the excitement of Halloween can make us forget the simple precautions of looking both ways when crossing the street. Remind your kids to make eye contact with the driver before crossing with street, stay on the sidewalk/walkways, look both ways, cross at designated cross ways for pedestrian signal and lights.
  3. Make sure costumes are manageable– ensure that all costumes fit properly so there are no fall or trip hazards while trick-or-treating. Try to stick to costumes that are bright in color (so drivers can see easily), the accessories won’t obstruct your child’s vision, and wear comfortable shoes for walking.
  4. Check the candyWhile reports of Halloween treats that have been tampered with are rare, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious when it comes to the candy. A light, healthy dinner before trick-or-treating will dissuade kids from snacking while out, which will give you a chance to inspect all their goodies before they can enjoy them. You should look for candy that has tears or holes in the wrappers or other signs of damage, like discoloration.  If noted, you can discard. Also pay attention and discard homemade treats or candy that could be a choking hazard if you have young children.  Check all labels if your child has a food allergy.
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