Throw Back Thursday.. To The Peace Playground!

As we approach the ending of the first week of school, it’s only right to re-visit one of our most influential activities during Star-C Programs summer camp.  Throughout the summer, Star-C participated every Wednesday evening in an activity called “Peace Playground.” Coordinated by Paul Reeser and the Northlake Church of Christ, the children learned seven principles of peace advocated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each week, they focused on one of the principles, which included:

  • Brave people live in peace
  • A loving community makes a peaceful world
  • Fight bad things, not bad people
  • Be peaceful when others are not, because that is the peaceful world we want
  • Avoid violence on the inside and outside, and
  • The whole world is on the side of good


The objective of this activity was to enlighten our children on the core values of peace, as well as the skills needed to deal with conflict. They were taught that even though we may face conflict in some stages of our everyday lives, we must always find a peaceful way to handle it. The children demonstrated their understanding of each principle with creative expressions in the forms of art, dance, singing.


In every activity planned for Star-C Programs, we strive to give our kids the skills and support they need to thrive at every level of life. We hope our children implement this in their personal perspectives as well as academics.


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