Star-C's Summer Camp at Willow Branch

Star-C Summer Camp at Willow Branch Looks a Little Different

This is the 5th year of Star-C Summer Camp at Willow Branch but it looks different than any summer before. Typically, today would have been our big kick off for 8 weeks of games, art, groups of volunteers, meals and lots of watermelon. We will miss our summer activities and all the hours we spend together in the summer. Thankfully we have found ways to still engage our students this summer!

One of the biggest parts of our summer camp are the meals that are provided. Connected Communities, a Summer lunch provider, is delivering breakfast and lunch meals Monday to Friday for the months of June and July. Families will be able to come and pick up these meals daily from 11 AM to 1 PM. Food insecurity is one of the biggest struggles for our families in the summer months and these meals help keep our kids from going without.

We will also be providing students with summer learning activities. Each week students will get a set of activities that focus on English/Language Art and Math. We are combating not only the “summer slide” but also the learning loss that many are facing because in person schooling being closed for the last 9 weeks of the school year. Some of our curriculum comes from the Smarter Summer Program developed by Indian Creek Elementary teachers. We are hoping this will help our students be prepared to go back to school in the fall.

Please continue to stay safe!

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